Muscogee Nation Expands Partnership With Zero Eyes, All Casinos


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Muscogee Nation Gaming Enterprise Sees Success Of Zero Eyes' AI-Based Gun Detection System At River Spirit Casino And Will Be Deployed At All Gaming Facilities Now. Muscogee Nation Gaming Enterprises, a federally recognized tribal economic sector from Oklahoma, Oklahoma, announced a security system upgrade across nine properties in the United States through an expanded partnership with Zero Eyes.

Since its deployment in October, Muscogee Nation has been deploying Zero Eyes' AI-based gun detection video analysis platform across other gaming assets, following the early success of its system registered at the River Spirit Casino.

"After witnessing the power of technology in River Spirit Casino, we found it was only a matter of time before we could deploy it across the organization," said Travis Thompson, compliance director at River Spirit Casino. 경마

Emphasizing that the casino's main concern has always been to ensure the safety of its customers and employees, Thompson welcomed the important role the system played in providing early detection and efficient communication.

The software, offered by Zero Eyes, is layered on existing digital cameras at Muscog Nation Gaming Enterprise properties to identify illegally branded guns, and responds by immediately sending images from one of the in-house Zero Eyes Operations Center (ZOC) to U.S. military and law enforcement veteran professional groups.